About me

Nathalie Bertrams is a documentary photographer and National Geographic Explorer reporting on environmental conflict and social justice, mainly across Africa. She is a regular contributor to Süddeutsche Zeitung, De Groene Amsterdammer and Al Jazeera. Her work is also featured in El País, The Guardian, BBC News, Mongabay and Washington Post Magazine and she makes TV documentaries for Arte/ZDF. Nathalie has a master’s degree in Fine Arts from Kunstakademie Düsseldorf and exhibits her work internationally. She has received multiple grants and awards for her storytelling and is a member of the International Press Institute, Frontline Freelance Register, and Women Photograph.


1994 – 2002 Kunstakademie Düsseldorf, Germany – MFA
2001              Nagoya Zokei University of Art & Design, Japan – Artist residency
1998              Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris, France – Artist residency
1997 – 1998 San Francisco Art Institute, USA – Postgraduate Studies
1988 – 1993 Akademie Beeldende Kunsten Maastricht, Netherlands – BA


Al Jazeera, Arte/ZDF, BBC News, China Dialogue, Chrismon, Christian Science Monitor, Courrier international, Daily Maverick, Dagbladet Information, Deutsche Welle, De Groene Amsterdammer, Der Standard, Die Welt, Die Zeit, El País, Financial Times, Granta, Hinterlands, Internazionale, Irish Times, La Corriere della Sera, Lettre International, Mail & Guardian, MO*, Mongabay, New Internationalist, NRC, PRI/The World, Reportagen, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Sunday Times, Tages-Anzeiger, The Guardian, The Telegraph, Wall Street Journal, Voice of America, Vreme, Washington Post Magazine

NGOs & Clients

African Renewable Energy Alliance, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Bloomberg, BMZ, GAGE, GiZ, Goethe Institute, Greenpeace, Fairtrade International, Heinrich Böll Foundation, Max Havelaar, Overseas Development Institute (ODI), Oxfam, Rabobank, SVN Netherlands Development Organisation, UNOPS, Volkswagen, Welthungerhilfe, World Future Council

Grants & Awards

2024 Marilyn Stafford Foto Reportage Award – Shortlist
          True Story Awards – Honorable Mention
          Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting – Research grant, Norway, South Korea, Chile
2023 Stiftung Kulturwerk/ VG Bildkunst – Photography grant, South Africa
          Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting – Research grant, Japan
          Fonds Bijzondere Journalistieke Projecten – Reporting grant, Mauritania
          Journalismfund Europe – Earth Investigations Grant, Latvia+Estonia
          Kolga Tbilisi Photo Awards, Georgia – Shortlist
          Journalismfund Europe – Earth Investigations Grant, Cameroon
          Dejan Anastasijević Award for Investigative Journalism, Serbia – Winner
2022 Superscrieri Award, Romania – Winner local news + jury prize
          Dejan Anastasijevic award, Serbia – Nomination
          Journalismfund Europe – Earth Investigations Grant, Guinea
          IWMF – Howard G. Buffett Fund for Women Journalists, Ireland
          Journalismfund Europe – European Cross-Border Grant, Serbia
          Free Press Unlimited – Reporting grant, Ireland
          Fonds Bijzondere Journalistieke Projecten – Reporting grant, Suriname & the Netherlands
2021 National Geographic Explorer – Storytelling grant, Romania+Ukraine
          Fonds Bijzondere Journalistieke Projecten – Reporting grant, Georgia
          Fetisov Journalism Awards – Shortlist for Outstanding Investigative Reporting
2020 N-Ost/Renovabis – Research Prize Eastern Europe, Georgia
          IJ4EU – Investigative Reporting Grant, Romania
2019 Kolga Tbilisi Photo Awards – Shortlist
          Robert Bosch Foundation – Reporters in the Field fellowship, Indonesia + Singapore
          Fonds Bijzondere Journalistieke Projecten – Reporting grant
          Free Press Unlimited – Reporting grant, Kenya
2018 Earth Journalism Network – Reporting grant, Indonesia
          National Geographic Explorer – Storytelling grant, South Africa
          Hostwriter Story Prize – Winner
          European Journalism Center – Global Health Journalism grant, DR Congo
2017 Free Press Unlimited – Reporting Grant, Madagascar
          Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting – Reporting grant, Malawi
          Stiftung Kunstfonds – Photography grant, Israel
2016 Hostwriter Story Prize – Winner
          Martin Lagois Photo Prize – Finalist
          Kuala Lumpur International Photoawards – Finalist
2015 Kolga Tbilisi Photo Awards– Shortlist
          European Commission – Lorenzo Natali Media Prize, Mozambique
          Felix Schoeller Photo Awards – Shortlist & Finalist


2018 Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting: Toxic Planet
2017 Bertrams/Gazit: Outcast – Refugees in Israel
2016 International Journal of Media and Information Policy (MIPJ): Indigenous Edition
2015 World Future Council: Kinderrechte
2013 Bertrams: Madagascar. Travel photography
2012 Bertrams/Neuberger: Forests for People – Insights into Rwanda’s Forest Policy
          Bertrams: Crossing Borders – Vom Atlas zur Goldküste
          Bertrams: Crossing Borders – Vom Kap bis Kairo

Hefat training

2022 Cosain Consultancy & Acos Alliance, Birmingham, UK


Reporters Without Borders, International Press Institute, Frontline Freelance Register, Women Photograph

Articles (selection)

Christian Science Monitor – Overfishing of Mauritania’s octopus threatens a big industry – and a smart species
Reportagen – Hunderttausend Euro für einen Papagei
De Groene Amsterdammer – Gegrild, gekookt, als sashimi of salade
Süddeutsche Zeitung – Abgegraben. Wie für Pflanzenerde die Natur zerstört wird
El País – El hambre de pulpo amenaza a la mayor potencia de pesca de cefalópodos del mundo

Süddeutsche Zeitung – Darf man Oktopusse noch essen?
Daily Maverick – Caught in Mauritania and eaten in Japan, the octopus is being fished out
Vreme – Dugački pipci jednog biznisa
Eesti Päevahlet – Turba All
De Groene Amsterdammer – Bossen voor Banden
Daily Maverick, Chinese rubber giant ‘destroys’ rainforests, indigenous lives in Cameroon
Süddeutsche Zeitung, Europas Gier nach Gummi
Africa Eco News, How Europe’s greed for rubber destroys Cameroon’s rainforest
Al Jazeera, South Africa’s gold mining legacy
Süddeutsche Zeitung, Das traurigste Statussymbol der Welt
Trouw, Van Guinee via Serbie naar Nederland: Gevleugeld smokkelwaar is goud waard
Daily Maverick, Trafficked from Serbia: How birds from Guinea end up in European pet shops
Vreme, Papagaji vredni kao kokain

NRC, Zeewierkoorts: grote plantages kunnen het ecosysteem van de Noordzee verstoren
Süddeutsche Zeitung, Neue grüne Welle
Mongabay, Europe considers large-scale seaweed farming; environmental effects unknown
BBC News, The plans for giant seaweed farms in European waters
De Groene Amsterdammer, De schimmige wereld van de handel in zangvogels
De Groene Amsterdammer, In Ierland woedt een turfoorlog
Deutsche Welle, Lithium, Geld, Politik: Ein Dorf in Serbien kämpft gegen ein Bergwerk
De Groene Amsterdammer, Servië staat niet te koop
Vreme, Da li je Rio Tinto zaista otišao
Vreme, Pritajena kompanija, skrivena država
Süddeutsche Zeitung, Wo unsere Schneeglöckchen herkommen


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